Artichoke Chips
A nutrient-dense savoury snack, made with delicate artichoke hearts picked at their prime and preserved in a form of crispy chips.
This regal-looking veggie has been used as a food in the Mediterranean for over 3,000 years thanks to its wonderful, nutty taste and its healing properties. Adding fresh artichoke into your diet has potential health benefits with its high contentof fibre. The list of benefits can go on and on!
Fantastic to enjoy on the go, dip in guacamole, glam up your sushi, jazz up your pizza or salad for an extra tasty and healthy kick.

Shiitake Mushroom
Taste Profile: full of umami Flavour with a velvety, almost buttery taste.
• High in copper, selenium, Manganese, zinc and are a good source of vitamin D, B5 and B6.
Shiitake mushrooms have featuredin traditional Eastern medicinefor hundreds of years. It’s beenconsidered a medicinal mushroomdue to their health-promoting compounds, which would boostthe immune system and decrease inflammation.

Okra or ‘'Ladies Fingers’
Taste Profile: Subtle sweetness, creaminess with a bold crunch.
• One of your five day and only 91 Kcals per serving! rich in antioxidants - whats not to love?
A well known ‘Asian Youth Secret’,Okra and beauty go hand in hand.It is a fantastic source of vitaminA and beta-carotene, which are both important nourishment for healthy skin (along with sustaining excellent eyesight!). Okra is also believed to combat fatigue and promote mental stamina.

Trumpet Mushroom
Taste Profile: With a naturally sweet and nutty after-taste.
• A source of riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6,folate, iron and magnesium.
Scientific research has shown that mushrooms contain unusually high amounts of two antioxidants, ergothioneine (or ergo) and glutathione, that could help to fight the signs of ageing and boost health. With the highest ergothioneine level, Trumpet mushrooms helps to protect cells from harmful free radicals.

Oyster Mushrooms
Taste Profile: A delicate, mildflavour with a velvety texture.
• High in niacin, riboflavin, Fibreand plant protein.
Oyster Mushrooms can be taken to help reduce harmful Cholesterol and maintain heart health. Oyster Mushrooms contain erogothioneine, a lesser known antioxidant amino acid that protects the cells of the body, reducing triglycerides which can cause cardiovascular disease.

Nutritionists revere the health benefits of seaweed as it contains iodine, vitamin B12 and also contains small amounts of vitamins A, C, E, and K, along with folate, zinc, sodium, calcium, and magnesium.
Seaweed has the unique ability to absorb concentrated amounts of iodine from the ocean. Your thyroid gland releases hormones to help control growth, energy production, reproduction and the repair of damaged cells in your body. Your thyroid relies on iodine to make hormones. Without enough iodine, you may start to experience symptoms like weight changes, fatigue, or swelling of the neck
over time.
The proteins present in some seaweeds, such as spirulina and chlorella, contain all of the essential amino acids. This means seaweed can help ensure you get the full range of amino acids.